Results for "shahbaz Bhatti"

Full transcript: House of July 16 Lords Debate on Article 18: Stop Killing Christians – including speeches by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, and the former Chief Rabbi, Lord Sacks, and other senior Peers from many faith and humanist backgrounds

Freedom of Religion and Belief Motion to Take Note Watch the debate at:   4.20 pm Moved by Lord Alton of Liverpool To move that this House takes...

Save Asia Bibi – Christian woman facing execution in Pakistan

The recent decision to award Malala Yousafzai the Nobel Peace Prize was a good one for women and a good one for Pakistan but the decision to sentence Asia Bibi, a Pakistani Christian, to death was a bad one for all women, all minorities, people of all faiths, and...

Archive – indexed miscellaneous articles and columns

Miscellaneous archived columns on the following subjects: Abortion and the right to know Paying a price for courage Politicians and how they vote on ethical issues 30 years of abortion in the UK Abortion and the possible link with breast cancer Joanna Jepson’s fight...

As the last Christian is expelled from Mosul by ISIS – Times Article on why the world must respond to the cry of Iraq’s Christians – and the full text of the House of Lords debate on Article 18 and Freedom of Belief – with news of Meriam Ibrahim’s journey to Rome and ISIS subjecting women to female genital mutilation 18 – An article of faith Lord AltonAugust 12, 2014The United Nations doctrine ‘responsibility to protect’ has been flouted by the failure of international authorities to protect vulnerable minorities from sweeping...

As the last Christian is expelled from Mosul by ISIS – Times Article on why the world must respond to the cry of Iraq's Christians – and the full text of the House of Lords debate on Article 18 and Freedom of Belief – with news of Meriam Ibrahim's journey to Rome and ISIS subjecting women to female genital mutilation 18 – An article of faith Lord AltonAugust 12, 2014The United Nations doctrine ‘responsibility to protect’ has been flouted by the failure of international authorities to protect vulnerable minorities from sweeping...

HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS DEBATED IN THE HOUSE OF LORDS – the killing of Chang Song Thaek; human rights violations in North Korea; and links to personal as the United Nations Commission of Inquiry prepares to publish its findings accounts

Some links to disturbing accounts of human rights violations in North Korea: An up-to-date, very informative, secretly filmed documentary on life in North Korea. Secret State of North Korea – PBS...


  On November 22nd 2013 the House of Lords debated the following Motion on Human Rights Violations. The link takes you to the recording of the parliamentary debate and the text of the debate appears below.   Video of the debate can be found...

The Tyburn Lecture – May 9th 2012

The Tyburn Lecture, May 9th 2012. David Alton: “What Price Faith?” The prophet Isaiah reminds us that you should never forget “the rock from which you are hewn.” And in the Book of Deuteronomy we are told to “remember the days of old; consider the generations long...

Truth, Justice, Charity, Liberty in a Globalised World – Paper given at the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vatican City, during a symposium in anticipation of the 5oth anniversary of the publication of Pacem in Terris Truth, Justice, Charity and Liberty in the Globalised World Rome, April 2012 THE PONTIFICAL ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Vatican City XVIII PLENARY SESSION (27 April – 1 May 2012)...

Lord David Alton

For 18 years David Alton was a Member of the House of Commons and today he is an Independent Crossbench Life Peer in the UK House of Lords.

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House of Lords Speech on Ukraine “Breaches of the Geneva Convention have been routine. We heard of more than 2,000 attacks on clinics and hospitals in Ukraine: horrendous war crimes. Over 100,000 files for prosecution have been opened, all pointing to the “mother crime”—the crime of aggression.” March 6th 2025: House of Lords Speech on Ukraine "Breaches of the Geneva Convention have been routine.We heard of more than 2,000 attacks on clinics and hospitals in Ukraine: horrendous war crimes. Over 100,000 files for prosecution have...

Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani at imminent risk of execution

On Sunday, February 23, 2025, the Iranian regime's Supreme Court rejected the retrial request for death sentences issued against Behrouz Ehsani and Mehdi Hassani, placing them at imminent risk of execution.  A group of UN Special Rapporteurs issued an urgent statement...