In The Thunderer column Elisabeth Braw warns against buying CCP manufactured toys as Christmas presents.
I went into a toy shop recently and looked at some “smart” toys – all were made in China although some were disguised as “Made in the PRC” to disguise their origins. Some will have been made by slave labour, some by victims of what Liz Truss and the House of Commons have said is Genocide. I bought none of them.
Elisabeth Braw provides another reason for boycotting CCP/PRC products.
She points out that the new generation of CCP toys are filled with artificial intelligence (AI) – capable of taking our children’s data.: “the perfect tool for authoritarian regimes.” And she reminds us that we simply don’t know what these “toys” do to our children’s brains.
Smart toys are unregulated- it’s time they were. And in 2022 we need to be able to go into toy shops and be able to buy toys made in democracies which carry guarantees that they aren’t made by slave labour or capable of access by dictators and their regimes.
So, think before buying CCP children’s toys this Christmas.
It’s high time we boycotted “toys” which can be used to collect children’s data and may have been made by slave labour in a State accused by the Foreign Secretary of Genocide.