The 10 Inconvenient Bishops The Vatican Wants Us To Forget – Why? because they do not accept the right of the Chinese Communist Party to tell them what to believe, think or what to say.

Oct 21, 2024 | News

The 10 Inconvenient Bishops The Vatican Wants Us To Forget – Why? because they do not accept the right of the Chinese Communist Party to tell them what to believe, think or what to say.

The CCP has subjected the 10 bishops in an important new report by Nina Shea to indefinite detention without due process, disappearances, open-ended security police investigations, banishments from their dioceses, or other impediments to their episcopal ministries including threats, surveillance, interrogation, and so-called re-education.


They are:

Bishop Vincent Guo Xijin 

Bishop Augustine Cui Tai 

Bishop Julius Jia Zhiguo 

Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin

Bishop Peter Shao Zhumin 

Bishop Melchior Shi Hongzhen 

Bishop James Su Zhimin

Bishop Joseph Xing Wenzhi 

Bishop Joseph Zen Ze-kiun 

Bishop Joseph Zhang Weizhu

Seven of these bishops have been detained without due process, with some of them having been under continuous detention for years or decades, while others have been detained repeatedly, up to six times since the agreement’s signing. 

The CCP in Beijing targeted these 10 bishops after they opposed the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association, which requires its members to pledge independence from the Holy See and conform Christian teaching to Chinese communist doctrine. 

Lord David Alton

For 18 years David Alton was a Member of the House of Commons and today he is an Independent Crossbench Life Peer in the UK House of Lords.

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