A letter from inside Tigray has been published online by Abba Melaku, a Spanish priest who lives in Wukro: https://isolidaries.org/es/angel-olaran-se-muestra-optimista-y-continua-sin-perder-la-esperanza/ (it is in Spanish, but Google translate can interpret). Highlights include
- His anger about the UN’s silence on Tigray and indifference to the Tigrayans who are dying in the camp in Semera.
- The shock of 16 EU officials when they visited Ayder hospital in Mekelle
- His assessment of the devastating affects on Tigrayan women, raped in front of relatives, others murdered, and the consequences for co-existence and reconciliation
- The story of a 20-year young man whom he knows well, and who joined the Tigray army. Six of his close relatives had been murdered by Eritrean soldiers, and many others in his village. That was the reason he joined the Tigrayan army.
- Many of the humanitarian truckloads include tables and chairs, for which nobody is asking. It limits the volume of food that can be transported.
- The number of people with mental problems is increasing, especially parents who cannot feed their children, as well as suicides, for the same reason
- Where he lives they have grown some lettuce; one day they combine it with rice, the next day they eat it with beans, then they eat it alone.
- An inventory of war crimes is being carried out throughout Tigray, house by house, following UN technical standards. It is carried out by teachers, professors, medical staff…
The Tigray government has established a Commission of Inquiry on the Tigray Genocide. And Abba Melaku confirms from the ground that they have effectively started their investigations.