Norwegian politicians nominate Hong Kong Free Press for Nobel Peace Prize and members of the British Parliament have nominated Alexandra Wong (Grandma Wong) for the Nobel Prize – saying that she is representative of the heroic spirit of the people of Hong Kong and their love of democracy, human rights, and the the rule of law.

Jan 30, 2021 | News

A medal of Alfred Nobel is pictured prior to the beginning of a press conference to announce the winner of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine on October 2, 2017 at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. – The 2017 Nobel prize season kicks off with the announcement of the medicine prize, to be followed over the next days by the other science awards and those for peace and literature. (Photo by Jonathan NACKSTRAND / AFP)

Norwegian politicians nominate Hong Kong Free Press for Nobel Peace Prize

Norwegian politicians nominate Hong Kong Free Press for Nobel Peace Prize

Three parliamentarians from the Norwegian Liberal Party have nominated Hong Kong Free Press for a Nobel Peace Prize.

The party’s parliamentary leader Terje Breivik, and his colleagues Jon Gunnes and Ola Elvestuen, made the nomination ahead of Sunday’s deadline for the 2021 prize.

Breivik told Norway’s Adresseavisennewspaper that HKFP was an “incredibly important” outlet that he – and his party members – relied on for the latest updates from Hong Kong.He added that they chose to nominate an independent news outlet as China’s Xi Jinping had sought to stifle the flow of information out of the city: “Therefore, it is more important than ever that there are news sites that report in English on the trampling of democracy that is now taking place in Hong Kong, regardless of whether Beijing tries to silence the stories of the pro-democracy activists,” Breivik told the paper.

Meanwhile, members of the British Parliament have nominated Alexandra Wong (Grandma Wong) for the Nobel Prize – saying that she is representative of the heroic spirit of the people of Hong Kong and their love of democracy, human rights and the the rule of law.

The courageous Granma Wong
Lord David Alton

For 18 years David Alton was a Member of the House of Commons and today he is an Independent Crossbench Life Peer in the UK House of Lords.

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