Julie Bass, chief executive of Turning Point, says “Making an advance decision not to administer CPR if a person’s heart stops, solely because they have a learning disability, is not only illegal, it is an outrage.”  She is right.  Read the full report in Health Service Journal of how Covid 19 is being deployed against the most vulnerable.

Apr 25, 2020 | News


A report just published in Health Service Journal re-enforces the point I made in the House of Lords debate on Thursday about the dangers to adults with learning difficulties in care homes.


Turning Point , a learning disability care provider, said it has received an “unprecedented” number of do not resuscitate forms from doctors that it believes to be illegal.

It has received 13 “unlawful” do not attempt cardio-pulmonary resuscitation or do not resuscitate orders from hospital specialists and GPs since the beginning of April, half of which came in the last week.

Yet Hospitals and GPs were told earlier this month learning disabilities should not be used as reason to apply DNR.

Julie Bass, chief executive of Turning Point, said: “Making an advance decision not to administer CPR if a person’s heart stops, solely because they have a learning disability, is not only illegal, it is an outrage.”  She is right.  Read the full report here:


Turning Pointjulie Bass

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