Speech to students at the University of Oxford. Deny your vote to those who deny others the right to life. Why both lives matter.

Nov 28, 2019 | Events, Featured

8573D255-8EC3-4B00-9F00-054531CA2210.pngD86B279E-6A43-4048-8379-B3035153BD7BThursday, November 28th 2019

Why Voters Should Insist That Denying The Right To Life Should Deny A Candidate The Right To Your Vote


Speaking tonight (November 28th 2019) at Oxford University’s Keble College, David Alton (Lord Alton of Liverpool) said:

“political parties and their candidates gravely underestimate millions of the quiet people of Britain when they assume that no-one reads the small print of their manifestos – and cast their votes accordingly.

“They have read the Labour Party’s commitment to bring in a new law to permit abortion up to birth and the Liberal Democrats’ commitment to abortion up to 24 weeks into pregnancy. This is a licence to kill babies which can be born and live.  

“Combined with the delisting and deselection of candidates, because they dare to question the humanity of ending the lives of 9 million babies in the womb, this trespasses into an area which was once entirely a matter of conscience and a subject worthy of free speech.

“Along with the Conservative Party, the Opposition parties have also supported the imposition of abortion in Northern Ireland – making a mockery of devolution.

“ All of this, and their combined refusal to support legislation to strengthen conscience provision – for people like midwives who do not want to be involved in one abortion every three minutes – reveals an illiberalism that discredits democratic politics. 

“Conscience, constituents, country should come before conformism to Party dogma.

“I salute those brave candidates, from all parties, who have signalled their willingness to be politically courageous rather than politically correct, to insist that both lives matter, and to speak truth to power, and to vote accordingly in Parliament.

“I hope that before casting their votes electors will establish where their local candidates stand and put the very right to life above all other considerations.”


The link through which people may ask their candidates to sign the Both Lives Pledge is



both lives matter

Lord David Alton

For 18 years David Alton was a Member of the House of Commons and today he is an Independent Crossbench Life Peer in the UK House of Lords.

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