Tolkien’s Hidden Story and His Friendship With C.S.Lewis.
David Alton
More knowledgeable people than me have written prodigiously about J.R.R.Tolkien. I rashly accepted your invitation to give this talk about Tolkien’s hidden story, not because I have anything original to say, but in scratching the surface of interest it might stimulate those who read this to go deeper:
to view the speech, download it in the link below (Microsoft word document):
Liverpool Catholic Chaplaincy Talk on Tolkien February 2011
also for the presentation, download the full copy in the link below (powerpoint presentation):
Tolkien Liverpool 2011 final copy
for an audio version of this talk visit the link also incorporated below (WAV (windows) audio file) :
J.R.R Tolkien Talk – David Alton audio version
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